Live Healthy, Save Money


Forming healthy habits sometimes feels like an impossible and expensive endeavor. But the truth is, it doesn’t have to be. Aiming to live a healthy lifestyle on a budget is entirely practical when you plan and put the right strategies in place. Below, Bottoms Up! Yoga explains how you can save money over time by fostering your health, how to turn your healthy habits into a business, where to find low-cost health apps, and more.

Saving Money in the Long Run

One of the main reasons why people shy away from forming healthy habits is because they believe it will be too expensive, but that’s not always the case. Healthy habits often save you money in the long term. For example, quitting smoking not only improves your health but also saves you money on cigarettes and doctor bills down the road.

Another way to save money is by cooking at home more often. Eating out all the time will wreck any budget, and restaurant portions are often much larger than what the human body actually needs. If you cook at home, you can control your portions and dictate the ingredients that go into the meal, all while saving a significant amount of money. Meal prepping is another excellent way to save both time and money—cook a big batch of food on Sunday and have it ready to go for the rest of the week!

Turn Your Healthy Habits Into a Business

If you’re looking for ways to make some extra cash, why not turn your healthy habits into a business? There are endless possibilities. You could start an affiliate blog teaching others about healthy living while bringing in income, open a local yoga or fitness studio, or even open up a health foods store.

Once your business is up and running, don’t forget to market it through social media, email marketing, local advertising, and more. Consider taking your business idea and turning it into a legitimate company designed to last by forming an LLC. Having an LLC will give you some extra liability protection, tax flexibility, and many other benefits.

Keep in mind that the health-and-wellness industry is highly competitive these days, meaning you’ll need to put time, energy, and a little money into marketing. Start by creating a brand identity that distinguishes your company from the pack, and then explore unique marketing strategies that can build awareness for your brand.

For example, you could make memes to post on your website, social media accounts, and other platforms. Memes are fun and easy to make, and they’re uber-popular among younger demographics (and pretty popular with older generations as well). Try a meme generator and quickly create memes that get your target audience laughing or thinking deeply. Choose a template on your meme tool and then add your copy, graphics, and anything else you wish.

Yoga Community

Looking for an affordable way to stay fit? Why not join a yoga community? There are often free or donation-based yoga classes offered at local parks or community centers. And if you don’t feel comfortable going to classes by yourself, see if any of your friends or family members would be interested in joining you, or join a community like Bottoms Up! Yoga. Not only is yoga great for physical health, but it’s also beneficial for mental well-being and focus.


There are many ways to establish healthy habits without breaking the bank. If you’re looking for extra cash flow, consider turning those healthy habits you form into a business. Lastly, don’t forget about the importance of your mental health—taking care of your mind is just as important as caring for your physical body. Consider practicing yoga, and keep researching other strategies for staying physically and mentally well.

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