5 Ways to Maximize Your Workout Results

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The previous year has pushed most of us to leave our fitness resolutions on the back burner, but as warmer months draw nearer and the vaccine rollout speeds up, we all want to lead healthier lives. If we’ve learned anything during the pandemic, it’s to fully appreciate our resilience and find new ways to boost it.

One major way you to do just that is to train on a regular basis and to optimize your workouts. Whether you’re heading back to the gym or you’re looking to make your home-based workouts more effective, some ideas are more powerful than others.

It’s all about properly distributing your meals, your energy, ensuring ample sleep, and of course, structuring your workout properly before you hit the gym. Here, we’ll cover the most effective strategies you can incorporate in order to maximize your workout results and prepare yourself before you go back to your training regime!

Get those eight hours of shuteye

Have you noticed that you sleep better when you train? Well, your sleep cycle benefits from workouts as much as your training benefits from getting enough regular sleep. During those precious moments of shuteye, your body has the opportunity to repair what needs fixing (such as your muscles after a tough workout session), to restore your energy levels (for you to be able to train the following day), and detox properly.

Nighttime is the only time your body recovers from your training as well as your daily activities. More often than not, you could be working out without realizing if you cycle to work or if you hike in addition to your gym training. Precisely because of all that, you need to schedule regular sleep in order to make your gym training more effective, otherwise you risk injuring yourself and performing poorly.

Outline your pre-workout nutrition

Meal planning is a pillar of healthy living as well as effective training. It helps you adapt your caloric intake based on your goals, but it also helps you stay fueled for those difficult training sessions. Without optimizing your nutrition, you can end up with little to no energy to train, or you could consume more food than you need in order to burn fat and build muscle.

Optimizing your nutrition also means considering different supplements that help boost your energy right before your training. You can add pre-workout supplements into your morning shake to elevate your energy levels and prime your body for training. They will help you elevate your metabolism, but also give you enough energy to sustain yourself during challenging training sessions, and before your next meal.

Define your warmups

Jumping into a workout will do your body no good if you don’t warm up first. Your muscles need some time to warm up in order for you to gradually push yourself to train harder, but your ligaments and your joints also need time to warm up properly. That is why a good warmup routine makes all the difference in how well your entire session goes.

What’s important to remember is that many people hit the gym without ever considering how much time they should dedicate to the warmup. Don’t go to the gym if you have no idea how you’re going to fire up those muscles, which muscle groups you want to train and thus warm up, and how much time you’re going to spend on this portion of your workout – planning is essential.

Make sure you’ve got your bag packed

Not sure what you need to bring with you? Prepare a gym bag that’s pre-packed for your training every time before you leave the house. That way, you won’t waste any time on meaningless running around the house looking for your headphones or a clean towel.

Keep in mind that the current health crisis might change how we pack for the gym. So, consider bringing a mask if that’s mandatory, hand sanitizer if none is available at your gym, and other hygiene essentials. It’s always good to bring your iPad or another device for listening to your playlist and keep yourself motivated and focused.

Create a structured training plan

Finally, much like you need to think of those first 15-20 minutes for your warmup, you also shouldn’t go to the gym without a clear idea as to what you want to do. Every training session needs to be planned down to a single rep and break between sets.

This will help you track your progress and monitor your performance on a daily basis. It also allows you a clear overview of what muscle groups you’re targeting and what you need to target more frequently in the future, optimizing your training session each week.


It’s far from enough to show up. Your workout at the gym (or at your home gym) will only be as effective as how well you prepare for it. That is why optimizing your nutrition, supplement use, and your rest will allow you to pour more energy into your workouts and be more productive with your fitness goals. No matter what your goal is, whether to shed fat, grow more muscular, or simply boost endurance, every fitness goal deserves a strategy to support it. Use these ideas to boost your own training performance and you’ll reach your goals sooner!


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